Comment # 8 on bug 854569 from
The log did reveal some "efibootmgr" errors 

2014-03-23 18:56:04 <3> pbl-5515.2 Core::RunCommand.1642: Error: Command
'/usr/sbin/grub2-install --target=x86_64-efi >/var/log/YaST2/y2log_bootloader
2>&1' failed with code 256 and output: BootCurrent: 0001 
Timeout: 0 seconds
BootOrder: 0001 
Boot0001* opensuse-secureboot

The new variable couldn't be written somehow meanwhile old entries (the printed
opensuse-secureboot) were also got erased as it was subjected to be rewritten
=> that leaves you basically no boot entry.

The reminds me some kernel bugs pertains to firmware's implementation (garbage
collection) and whatever it lies in the efivars kernel module to write via the
variable service. 

So it's much likely a "regression" in kernel and also firmware related.
Probably has been solved meanwhile.

Do you still see the problem in more recent kernel (eg, in openSUSE 13.2) ?


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