Comment # 39 on bug 1195118 from
man mokutil:

MOKUTIL(1)               General Commands Manual               MOKUTIL(1)

       mokutil - utility to manipulate machine owner keys

       mokutil [--list-enrolled | -l]
               ([--mokx | -X])
       mokutil [--list-new | -N]
               ([--mokx | -X])
       mokutil [--import keylist| -i keylist]
               ([--hash-file hashfile | -f hashfile] | [--root-pw | -P] |
                [--mokx | -X] | [--ca-check] | [--ignore-keyring])

       -l, --list-enrolled
              List the keys the already stored in the database

       -N, --list-new
              List the keys to be enrolled


       -i, --import
              Collect the following files and form an  enrolling  request
              to shim. The files must be in DER format.

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