Comment # 16 on bug 1177395 from
How to reproduce:
* start gnome-software (gs)
* click on repo list
* close gs
* close laptop lid
* wait for the next day and repeat
* after repeating for some days, gs and packagekit loosing connection
  with each other:
  - repo list window stays empty with twisting circle
  - same goes for update checks

What I tried so far:
* used LAN instead of WLAN => no difference
* removed repos for fwupd and gnome extensions (exclusively used in gs)
  => no change
* instead of waiting for the next day (assuming that this is related to
  gs looking for updates), I set the last-checked timestamp in dconf to
  0 => could not force a lock up; maybe because packagekit is refusing 
  to check again?

I figured out to enable verbose loging for packagekit.

Attached is the log of journalctl, pkmon, and gs, all merged together and
annotated by what I was doing or was happening (starting with ###).

* 2020-11-12 showed good behaviour
* 2020-11-13 the issue came back (some weird entries in the log file:
cancelling running background transaction, Cancel not supported by backend,
plugin .* did not return error with cancellable set)
* 2020-11-14 once messed up, only way to go back to normal operation is to kill
and restart gnome-software

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