Martin Li������ka changed bug 1197780
What Removed Added

Comment # 8 on bug 1197780 from
I've got a debugging patch:

diff --git a/build/rpmfc.c b/build/rpmfc.c
index eb51a36..51f0998 100644
--- a/build/rpmfc.c
+++ b/build/rpmfc.c
@@ -1251,7 +1252,16 @@ rpmRC rpmfcClassify(rpmfc fc, ARGV_t argv, rpm_mode_t *
         else if (slen >= fc->brlen+sizeof("/dev/") && rstreqn(s+fc->brlen,
"/dev/", sizeof("/dev/")-1))
         ftype = "";
-        ftype = magic_file(ms, s);
+            {
+              ftype = magic_file(ms, s);
+              fprintf (stderr, "ftype called for %s with result=%s\n", s,
+              magic_t ms2 = magic_open(msflags);
+              int r = magic_load(ms2, NULL);
+              fprintf (stderr, "magic_load=%d\n", r);
+              const char *ftype2 = magic_file(ms2, s);
+              fprintf (stderr, "ftype2 called for %s with result=%s\n", s,
+            }

         /* Silence errors from immaterial %ghosts */
         if (ftype == NULL && errno == ENOENT)

That shows for job=1:

[    8s] ftype called for
Tamil Brahmi Manual.pdf with result=PDF document, version 1.5
[    8s] magic_load=0
[    8s] ftype2 called for
Tamil Brahmi Manual.pdf with result=PDF document, version 1.5
[    8s] ftype called for
with result=data
[    8s] magic_load=0
[    8s] ftype2 called for
with result=TrueType Font data, 19 tables, 1st "Feat"

while for jobs>1:

[    8s] ftype called for
Tamil Brahmi Manual.pdf with result=PDF document, version 1.5
[    8s] magic_load=0
[    8s] ftype2 called for
Tamil Brahmi Manual.pdf with result=PDF document, version 1.5
[    8s] ftype called for
with result=TrueType Font data, 19 tables, 1st "Feat"
[    8s] magic_load=0
[    8s] ftype2 called for
with result=TrueType Font data, 19 tables, 1st "Feat"

Note with jobs>2 we use openmp and thus:

    /* libmagic is not thread-safe, each thread needs to a private handle */
    magic_t ms = magic_open(msflags);
    magic_t mime = magic_open(mimeflags);

each thread has its own 'ms' and 'mime' variables. Seems reusing of 'ms' does
not work for some reason..

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