Comment # 65 on bug 1226122 from Mario Guzman
Martin, based on the comments from RefindPlus today, it seems refind should
work. However, the sdboot installer option is missing an option to "Not modify
nvram" so it can install sdboot but not modify the actual booter in nvram,
Grub2 has that option. Not having that option would overwrite the nvram and
cause a lot of extra work reinstalling Refind, RefindPlus, and OpenCore each
time TW/OS is installed.

The RefindPlus maintainer make some interesting comments saying not only should
it work but I didn't know refind is already in other linux distributions,
please see his comments and links here:

Based on what he says this may not be too big an issue requiring an option to
not overwrite NVRAM, and an extra ESP for each TW for multiboot systems.

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