(In reply to Dr. Werner Fink from comment #5) > Just to be sure ... you have installed bash-completion as well ... Right, bash-completion-2.11-7.1.noarch > do you > have something in path which is named `systemct` (not `systemctl`) ... shell > function, further command, or an alias? No, systemc<tab> only results in systemctl (for both user and root) (In reply to Dr. Werner Fink from comment #6) > Also I'd lik eto see your prompts PS0, PS1, PS2, PS3, and PS4 cb@tux:~> echo $PS0 cb@tux:~> echo $PS1 \u\[\e[0m\]@\h:\[\e[1;37;44m\]\w\[\033[0;0m\]> cb@tux:~> echo $PS2 > cb@tux:~> echo $PS3 cb@tux:~> echo $PS4 + I also have a PROMPT_COMMAND: cb@tux:~> echo $PROMPT_COMMAND setLastCommandState;setGitPrompt which is from git@github.com:cboltz/bash-git-prompt.git (actually a version from 2019, 148d502b666a0d62ecc83680817596b097a70f2a) (In reply to Dr. Werner Fink from comment #9) > OK ... that is what we already know ... the real reason/cause would be a win. > Error in bash/libreadline ... or in (g)libc ... or overheated system Given the hot weather in the last days, I wouldn't rule out overheated system. However, this was the only strange issue I noticed during these hot days.