Comment # 12 on bug 1095451 from
Did some measurements with some leftover batteries I had here.

90% from Solar, quite new batteries, 2 ones, Voltage: 2.80 V in sum, Duracell

Other sets of older batteries, all no-names from Aldi.
All these batteries were already separated for bringing them to recycling. I
now recognized that they still would serve in these Logitech devices. 

50% from Solaar, 2 ones, Voltage 2.60 V

50% from Solaar, 2 ones, Voltage 2.42 V

and a really old set of batteries I just dragged deep out of our battery waste

5% from Solaar (warning), 2 ones, Voltage 2.01 V 

Sorry, I couldn't find a combination of older batteries in the range of 2.30 to
2.10 volts combo to confirm the curve characteristics. 

All measured in a Logitech K400plus and with a digital volt meter for

Best regards

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