Dr. Werner Fink changed bug 879161
What Removed Added
Resolution --- WONTFIX

Comment # 4 on bug 879161 from
(In reply to Sebastian Wagner from comment #3)

Yep and as the reporter has ignored my comment #1 by reopen this one I'll
ignore this bug as it *is* INVALID.

The dependency rules are well defined for every TeX binary: *never* use the
binary packages them self but one or more collections and/of schemes from
TeXLive package series.  TeX binaries have to have a minimal infrastructure and
depending on the usecase several addons.  Therefore collections and/of schemes
are used as upstream does use them, try

   zypper search texlive-collection texlive-scheme

to see what may to be installed. Please note that I'll not gonna change these
dependency rules as plain binaries are simply useless.  And even if I would
pull in the corresponding noarch package for each plain binary package: it
remains useless as there are no styles, fonts, and/or helpers installed.

The only so called ``solution'' would be top pull all in to solve every
possible missed package.  And is exactly what will not happen.

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