Daniel Pecka changed bug 900849
What Removed Added
Flags needinfo?(nettezzaumanaa@gmail.com)  

Comment # 2 on bug 900849 from
hello Bernard,

I didn't check it any extensively.

Ofc I have yast2-trans-cs installed. I also reproduced it straight away with
the ppl on irc.freenode.net .. I can summarize howto reproduce it:

1) Have fully up-to-date 13.1
2) ensure, that your localization in kde is not english (might be german as
well or something else like LANG=cs_CZ.UTF-8)
3) if you run yast2 by clicking on kde icon (or menu item or from
systemsettings, just generally it calls xdg-su -c /sbin/yast2) you should have
main window in desired translation but childs (click on disk module) will be
4) if open terminal window and login as root using plain `su' and run yast2,
everything is translated fine even in childs (modules)

regards, daniel

ps. I can give you more starts at the evening .. I will check on the affected
box with completely clearly installed suse (with no further modifications)

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