What | Removed | Added |
Flags | needinfo?(roger.whittaker@suse.com) |
I can't do this because I don't know how this BVCP thing works. It's a web application that spawns a browser window called a "VNC console" which is using noVNC. If I look at the system where BVCP is running I don't see an open VNC port, so I can't connect with another VNC viewer. # nmap Starting Nmap 7.94 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2024-02-28 16:03 GMT Nmap scan report for tigerlily.disruptive.org.uk ( Host is up (0.00019s latency). Not shown: 995 closed tcp ports (reset) PORT STATE SERVICE 22/tcp open ssh 80/tcp open http 111/tcp open rpcbind 2049/tcp open nfs 8086/tcp open d-s-n MAC Address: 7C:D3:0A:36:33:C9 (Inventec) Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 6.28 seconds 8086 is the port where the management web page side of it is accessed. noVNC is a javascript VNC client that runs in a browser.