Comment # 23 on bug 1225296 from Felix Miata
@Martin: repo names mean little. They are free to be modified to the admin's
liking, which I do as a matter of course. It's the URL that matters most. To
get output including it requires either modifying /etc/zypp/zypper.conf, or
including the -u switch when running zypper lr. Otherwise, the repo name is
duplicated, while the URL is omitted. To get the relevant output seen in
comment #21 I have the option "repoListColumns = au" set in zypper.conf.

To eliminate NVidia repos, openSUSE-repos-Leap and openSUSE-repos-Leap-NVIDIA
need to be removed and locked. That removes the repos service. If an admin does
that, he must manually ensure all required repos exist and are enabled, which
is what comment #21 shows is the state of that installation.

That said, I see nothing among your repos' names that /suggests/ a source that
/might/ produce your trouble, with the possible exception of

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