I've found this in the log: network/susefirewall2.rb:1631 Do not touch firewall services during installation modules/Lan.rb:985 Attempting to reload network service, normal stage false, ssh: false I've discussed this with our networking expert and the reason is that we don't want users to shoot themselves in their legs (we do not restart firewall during installation). On the other hand, from logs it seems that the firewall is actually only enabled, but is not running at the end of installation. See, for instance this clients/inst_autoconfigure.rb:314 restarting services "["avahi-daemon.service", "colord.service", "cron.service", "cups.service", "haveged.service", "irqbalance.service", "mcelog.service", "ntpd.service", "smartd.service", "sshd.service", "sssd.service", "systemd-journald.service", "systemd-logind.service", "systemd-udevd.service", "unbound.service"]" There's no firewall. So, as a hotfix, I'd propose you to add <service>SuSEfirewall2<service> into <services> section. That might but might not help...