What | Removed | Added |
CC | ziwema2000-usrmerge@yahoo.com |
Same problem for me, /usr is on a separate partition. Installation of filesystem-15.5-40.2.x86_64 failed and broke the system. No executable from any location can be started, not even a file from /bin that has been copied into the user's home directory. The error message is simply "No such file or directory". However, the alleged missing files in /bin, /usr/bin, or any other directory are still accessible from a running file manager on the affected system, but cannot be started from there either (error message from Krusader "execvp: No such file or director"). Trying to start an executable script like a shell or python program results in "bad interpreter: No such file or directory", the script file is found and read, but not the executable specified to run it. I have also observed that according to the YaST log messages the packet compat-usrmerge-tools should have been installed but it is shown not installed in the YaST software management. I can not access any system log files as there is no way or me to get root access (/usr/bin/su: No such file or directory). The most important question for me: will my system still be functional after a reboot (I'm writing this report from a still running internet browser on an affected system, and I am afraid of restarting my system), or even better, is there a way to make my still running system functioning again without a restart?