Comment # 3 on bug 959262 from
Ignore the attachment. I'll try again, probably during the week, so I can
possibly assemble all 22 screenshots into one file over the weekend. A new
update occurred and it was from openSuse, so I took a bunch of screenshots,
some from before the update itself was performed and the rest from after it (I
warm-rebooted after a cold reboot to get the success popup again).

After that, another update came. Its details included that a password-storage
system for Chromium (updated through openSuse) was replaced without the stored
passwords being kept, an announcement visible only in the post-update details,
not before the update. That should have been far more prominent in advance
(some less-sophisticated users might not have kept passwords except in the
storage system and now they'd be lost and more or less irreplaceable) and, at
the very least, the announcement should have been in both the pre- and
post-update details, so a user could opt to skip the update long enough to copy
the passwords out. After the update, I opened Chromium and didn't see anything
about it, but I don't use Chromium's password system, so maybe it didn't need
to tell me.

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