Comment # 8 on bug 1201439 from
I didnt mean the keyboard. I mean how can I make sure I enter the correct
password in the means how can I find out if the password was successfully used
to decrypt some first stage of this boot process. where normally the second
stage follows showing the normal grub2 menu with default kernel for 15.4,
advanced settings for leap 15.4, uefi entry and another one I guess. I just
checked on another uefi system with no encryption. there are four normal
entries being presented in the normal colored grub2 menu with the suse log and
so on.

I want to make sure that its not me being foolish and having a password
the key mapping is fine at least in this very basic grub2 terminal i can try
and type with the keyboard there and I can type my password or its characters
fine without messing up the keyboard layout.

any way to find out if the initial password gets used properly to decrypt
anything? or to see that briefly flashing text that instantly vanishes?

what next?

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