Stanislav Brabec changed bug 925873
What Removed Added
Depends on   936265, 916737

Comment # 82 on bug 925873 from
Here is my simple proposal for systemd.spec for Factory:

+Obsoletes:      pm-utils <= 1.4.1
+Obsoletes:      suspend <= 1.0

-# PATCH-FIX-OPENSUSE forward to pm-utils -- until boo#904828 is addressed
-Patch25:        Forward-suspend-hibernate-calls-to-pm-utils.patch

-%patch25 -p1

I wrote a long mail to opensuse-factory:

What needs to be done before doing that:
- Finish fix of NetworkManager bug 916737

What should be done:
- Make a global configuration for hwclock (splitting out new bug 936265).

What can be done:
- Port video quirk wrapper to systemd and create systemd-video-quirks-legacy

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