Ulrich Windl changed bug 1194184
What Removed Added
Flags needinfo?(Ulrich.Windl@rz.uni-regensburg.de)  

Comment # 2 on bug 1194184 from
Part of the problem migh be that an Internet search for "Leap 15.3 release
notes" shows all kind of hits, but not the Release Notes I was looking for.
So I gave up using Yast->Support to display the Release Notes...
Unfortunately you cannot search there, so I copied all into a Writer document.
Even there I had no match for "signkey".
My local version of release notes is
release-notes-openSUSE-15.3.20210129-lp153.1.91.noarch (Install Date: Do 30 Dez
2021 00:21:47 CET)

Well, I have nothing against concrete instructions!

To make things harder for the user, the link
https://doc.opensuse.org/release-notes redirects to https://doc.opensuse.org/,
leaving the user at a selection of even more guides.

I only found " Creating a self-signed certificate".
I found nothing.
In https://doc.opensuse.org/release-notes/x86_64/openSUSE/Leap/15.3/index.html
I only found:
"4.1 Secure Boot: SUSE Linux Enterprise kernel and openSUSE signed Kernel
Module Packages"

No honestly: Do you really think it's the users fault not to find the
information you are talking about?

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