Oliver Kurz changed bug 982136
What Removed Added
Flags needinfo?(okurz@suse.com)  

Comment # 7 on bug 982136 from
Alexander Graf suggests that the problem at hand is actually a kernel problem
in "btrfs_rename", same as https://bugzilla.suse.com/show_bug.cgi?id=982242,
according kernel messages should be visible in the kernel log files.

- textmode results can be found here:
I don't see any of these failing for a similar reason but "textmode" IIUC also
means less packages and therefore less likely to fail.

- Regarding RAM looking at the logfile of the first referenced test
https://openqa.opensuse.org/tests/178398/file/autoinst-log.txt one can see the
command line that has been used to create the qemu instance. "-m 4096" meaning
4G if I am not mistaken for aarch64 qemu as well as x86_64. It would be
possible to change this but it might be tricky to do this for the productive
aarch64 test instance for openqa.suse.de so it might be easier to ask an
aarch64 related developer to run according tests.

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