Comment # 5 on bug 1179034 from
Hi, I am thinking about it. I have to investigate where the session files are
stored, but as it is openSUSE-only bug this must be something we configure
differently from LO upstream. Maybe __pycache__ files?

And there was a warning in 6.4 which is not present anymore... Weird.

When I run "libreoffice" twice on the same machine only one instance is started
(the second "libreoffice" just switches the focus to the running instance and
terminates) so if this is an expected behavior then we should find a way to
recognize we are running on NFS and start the second instance correctly. But
starting two instances of LO is probably not as easy as it sounds...
Then it puzzles me why this was possible with upstream libreoffice. Did it
really have the same homedir?

Or am I just lost? :)

I will think about it.

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