Frerk Meyer changed bug 906606
What Removed Added

Comment # 5 on bug 906606 from
I come over this while tryping to get autofs working again after suspend in
13.2, it was working in 12.3.

/etc/sysconfig/autofs was missing

I copied the one from 12.3. The behavior of autofs changed as follows:
Before I had to guess th directory name and type it in to get it mounted. Now
there are all top level directories of mountable nfs directories visible
underneath the mount point (and clickable) which are configured in a map file.

So this makes the difference in usability in a file manager and works again as
in 12.3.

My version:
Name: autofs
Version: 5.1.0-2.1.3
Arch: x86_64

It doesn't fix the autofs dead after suspend bug though.

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