I completely agree that the GNOME people should fix that on their level. But Qt could also do this a lot more defensively; AFAICS it would be a really trivial patch to also check for a double if the int conversion fails: https://github.com/qt/qtbase/blob/5.12/src/plugins/platforms/xcb/qxcbscreen.cpp#L323 static bool parseXftInt(const QByteArray& stringValue, int *value) { Q_ASSERT(value != 0); bool ok; *value = stringValue.toInt(&ok); return ok; } Maybe something like (untested) static bool parseXftInt(const QByteArray& stringValue, int *value) { Q_ASSERT(value != 0); bool ok; *value = stringValue.toInt(&ok); if (!ok) *value = round(stringValue.toDouble(&ok) return ok; } (Even the rounding is already the de luxe version)