Bj�rn Lie changed bug 951932
What Removed Added

Comment # 1 on bug 951932 from
From my tumbleweed install:

bjolie@haldis:~> gsettings get check-timestamp
int64 1445798976
bjolie@haldis:~> gsettings get install-timestamp
int64 1445543423
bjolie@haldis:~> gsettings get security-timestamp
int64 0

bjolie@haldis:~> date -d @1445798976
s�. 25. okt. 19:49:36 +0100 2015
bjolie@haldis:~> date -d@1445543423
to. 22. okt. 21:50:23 +0200 2015

gnome-software is setup to check for updates every 24 hours, but only present
the updates every 7 days.
Now where we actually have a hole is updates "marked" security updates, these
are supposed to be presented to the user every 24 hours, but more than likely
we are missing the required bits, either in gnome-software not looking for the
correct flags in our patches, or missing bits in the patches themselves.

Would you like to take care of the above if the current status is not good
enough for you? Perhaps you can enlist some people from the SLED team?

Oh and if you are looking for a argument as to why offline updates are a good
idea take a look at

I concede that the intelligence of when offline updates are required might need
some work, so we should probably take that on later.

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