Bug ID 1109373
Summary [HPC, slurm] slurm-node & slurm-config not setup right in %pre/%post scriptlets due to missing Requires(pre/post)
Classification openSUSE
Product openSUSE Tumbleweed
Version Current
Hardware Other
OS Other
Severity Major
Priority P5 - None
Component Other
Assignee eich@suse.com
Reporter eich@suse.com
QA Contact qa-bugs@suse.de
CC hpc-maintainer-bugs@forge.provo.novell.com, nicolas.bock@suse.com
Found By Development
Blocker ---

Symptoms: when installed during initial system installation, the slurm user may
not be set up correctly.

'slurm-config' requires 'shadow' during pre-install. This is however wrongly
added as Requires(pre) to 'slurm'. 

Move the requires from 'slurm' to 'slurm-node'. 
Moreover, it should have access to systemd due to the use of 'systemd-tmpfiles'
(or the correspondig macro if available).

'slurm-node' should have the access to systemd during %pre/%post.

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