Dr. Werner Fink changed bug 1027532
What Removed Added
Severity Normal Minor

Comment # 4 on bug 1027532 from
Hmmm ... a kind of strange. Please paly around with the resource options by
using the -xrm option:

    xosview.bin -xrm 'xosview*diskDecay: false'

compare with /usr/share/X11/app-defaults/XOsview

  ! Disk Meter Resources

  *disk:               True
  *diskUsedColor:      red
  *diskIdleColor:      green2
  *diskWriteColor:     orange
  *diskReadColor:      blue
  *diskBandwidth:      100000000 ! 100MB/s
  *diskPriority:       10
  *diskDecay:          True
  *diskUsedFormat:     autoscale
  *diskGraph:          True

  *RAID:                 False
  *RAIDdevicecount:      1
  *RAIDdiskOnlineColor:  green2
  *RAIDdiskFailureColor: red
  *RAIDresyncdoneColor:  yellow
  *RAIDresynctodoColor:  red
  *RAIDresynccompleteColor:  orange
  *RAIDPriority:         20
  *RAIDUsedFormat:       percent

also if you have an md raid and there exists /proc/mdstat you might
switch over to

   xosview.bin -xrm 'xosview*RAID: true'

on the other hand you could also use a newer xosview 1.19 from osc.
Compare with xosview 1.19 from project

    X11:Utilities xosview

and the build for Leap 42.2

    werner/xosview> osc ls -b X11:Utilities xosview openSUSE_Leap_42.2 x86_64

or from the download repository


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