Ladislav Slez�k changed bug 1142257
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Comment # 3 on bug 1142257 from
According to the backtrace in it crashes when running the
package dependency solver.

I noticed also this: 

2019-07-20 13:50:15 <1> Telcontar(1442) [zypp]
Upgrade repo sat::repo(15.1){prio -85.1, size 13}
2019-07-20 13:50:15 <1> Telcontar(1442) [zypp]
Upgrade repo sat::repo(LocalRPMs_15.0-15.1-kernel_1){prio -85.4, size 243}
2019-07-20 13:50:15 <1> Telcontar(1442) [zypp]
Upgrade repo sat::repo(EXT_Packman){prio -95.1, size 3199}

So I guess you also marked some repositories for upgrade, didn't you?
Did you modify somehow the repositories selected for upgrade somehow?

Could you describe step by step how to reproduce the problem locally?

BTW it's a bit weird to use the online update module for distribution upgrade
(for upgrading the system from Leap 15.0 to 15.1). That module is designed only
for installing the online patches for the installed distribution (Leap 15.0).

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