(In reply to Takashi Iwai from comment #10) > (In reply to Fritz Hudnut from comment #9) > > (In reply to Takashi Iwai from comment #7) > > > Could you give hwinfo output, and the dmesg output before the suspend? > > > Also, check journal outputs if it got some kernel Oops or crash. > > > > > > Last but not least, please check with the kernel from OBS > > > Kernel:stable:Backport repo (only kernel-default.rpm) for the latest 6.1.x > > > kernel, and verify whether the problem persists with it or not. > > > > @Takashi > > > > Had a few spare moments to try to find this "OBS Kernel" data, but it seemed > > to lead to a list of links, none of which said "6.1" . . . so I would need a > > direct link to whatever site you are suggesting that I check into to get a > > newer kernel going in Leap 15.5 . . . !!??? > > It's available at > > http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Kernel:/stable:/Backport/standard/ @Takashi OK, great, precerate that. I was looking at some site that was titled "OBS" which did not seem to get past 5.14 kernels . . . didn't make sense. So you mean something like "kernel-default-6.1.12-lp154.2.1.g373f017.x86_64.rpm" would be what I would be looking for? And I would need now to remove one of the other kernels first, or in theory I can add one more??