Felix Miata changed bug 646418
What Removed Added
CC   rywilson@novell.com

Comment # 10 on bug 646418 from
A related A11Y/U9Y reference:
Low-Contrast Text Is Not the Answer

https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/skins/contrib/openSUSE/global.css line 22
specifies color #404040, which serves no purpose but to possibly please the
site stylist. Contrast in the primary content needs no reduction from maximum.
Those who have a problem with high contrast need only to adjust their displays
appropriately - downward is always possible until 0 is reached. The converse is
not true. Those who need more cannot adjust beyond 100%, which is the setting
many displays ship with in order to maximize presence and desirability on
brightly lit retail store shelves.

Gray compounds the problem that is too small text.

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