This does seem to interfere with 117864 For the last several reboots I have observed this correlation systematically: - when I get a black desktop (as per bug 117864) the wallet unlock popup works as expected (i.e. shows on top of everything else and *remains* on top of everything else always no matter what has focus) - when the desktop loads properly (no bug 117864) I observe this issue. Or both bugs are random and the correlation that I'm observing is pure coincidence. Right now I have booted a few minutes ago and the popup actually did show up for a brief time but then other applications loaded and went on top of it. I'm speculating here but it seems to me that there's some sort of race condition: if the popup shows "too soon" at startup it loses the ability to remain always on top. I can confirm the steps to reproduce on my machine are those listed in my previous comment. The screenshot shows that the popup's icon is visible at the bottom of the screen (if you know what it is) but the popup isn't. I have blurred out the contents of the maximized and focused Thunderbird window (which loaded automatically at startup along with the other open applications because they were open prior to reboot, and was the one that got in front, randomly or for whatever reason).