Comment # 5 on bug 1041606 from
(In reply to Hyde Zhou from comment #4)
> The problem is related to files '/usr/lib/systemd/system/privoxy.service'
> and '/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/privoxyd'
> Leap 42.3 and Leap 15.0 have same 'privoxy.service' and 'privoxyd'
> ## /usr/lib/systemd/system/privoxy.service
> '''
> [Unit]
> Description=Privoxy Web Proxy With Advanced Filtering Capabilities
> [Service]
> Type=forking
> PIDFile=/run/
> ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/cp -upf /etc/resolv.conf /etc/host.conf /etc/hosts
> /etc/localtime /var/lib/privoxy/etc/
> ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/cp -upf /lib64/ /lib64/
> /var/lib/privoxy/lib64/
> ExecStart=/usr/sbin/privoxy --chroot --pidfile /run/ --user
> privoxy /etc/config
> ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
> [Install]
> '''
> According to the file 'privoxy.service', a copy of 'resolv.conf' is created
> before privoxy starts, and privoxy uses the copy instead of
> '/etc/resolv.conf'.
> ## /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/privoxyd
> '''
> case "$2" in
>     up)
>         /usr/bin/systemctl restart privoxy
>         ;;
>     down)
>         /usr/bin/systemctl restart privoxy
>         ;;
>     *)
>         exit 0
>         ;;
> esac
> '''
> According to the file 'privoxyd', privoxy will be reloaded either a
> connection is up or down.
> The point is, if privoxy starts when the system's network is still offline,
> the copy from '/etc/resolv.conf' contains no nameserver. In this situation,
> later connection changes will only cause privoxy reload, and the copy of
> '/etc/resolv.conf' still contains no nameserver. Thus, 503(URL Cannot be
> resolved) happened.
> ## Solution
> My temporary solution is to modify the file 'privoxyd', changing
> '/usr/bin/systemctl reload privoxy' into
> '/usr/bin/systemctl restart privoxy'
> The solution may not be perfect but it at least works.
> If there is any confusing expression, please let me know.

Sorry for the misleading comment, the original file
'/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/privoxyd' is
case "$2" in
        /usr/bin/systemctl reload privoxy
        /usr/bin/systemctl reload privoxy
        exit 0

And I fix the bug by modifying it into
case "$2" in
        /usr/bin/systemctl restart privoxy
        /usr/bin/systemctl restart privoxy
        exit 0

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