Dominique Leuenberger changed bug 1179975
What Removed Added
Resolution --- FIXED

Comment # 1 on bug 1179975 from
(In reply to Marc Balmer from comment #0)
> When you use the GNOME software application to manage your installed
> software and you choose to remove the package "Parental Controls", gdm,
> gnome-software itself, and a bunch of other components are removed.
> Upon next boot, there is no more gdm and you will be greeted by the (very)
> old xdm login manager.
> To solve the issue, login using xdm, re-install gdm, reboot.

This has been resolved - The control-app is now in the package
malcontent-control, which can safeiy be uninstalled without killing the system.

* Thu Dec 10 2020 
- Split MalcontentControl into seperate package so a library
  doesn't require a desktop application.

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