At least for Firefox, I can see that there are at least two points where buildroot is being modified during the %build phase - which is no longer allowed in RPM 4.6 (modifying buildroot is %install phase) The two points are: 1) mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{progdir}/browser/extensions 2) sed -r '/^(ja-JP-mac|ga-IE|en-US|)$/d;s/ .*$//' $RPM_BUILD_DIR/%{srcname}-%{orig_version}/browser/locales/shipped-locales \ | xargs -n 1 %{?njobs:-P %njobs} -I {} /bin/sh -c ' locale=$1 cp ${MOZCONFIG}_LANG ${MOZCONFIG}_$locale sed -i "s|obj_LANG|obj_$locale|" ${MOZCONFIG}_$locale export MOZCONFIG=${MOZCONFIG}_$locale # nsinstall is needed for langpack-build. It is already built by `./mach build`, but building it again is very fast ./mach build config/nsinstall langpack-$locale cp -L ../obj_$locale/dist/linux-*/xpi/firefox-%{orig_version}.$locale.langpack.xpi \ %{buildroot}%{progdir}/browser/extensions/langpack-$ # remove prefs, profile defaults, and hyphenation from langpack #rm -rf %{buildroot}%{progdir}/browser/extensions/langpack-$ #rm -rf %{buildroot}%{progdir}/browser/extensions/langpack-$ # check against the fixed common list and sort into the right filelist _matched=0 for _match in ar ca cs da de el en-GB es-AR es-CL es-ES fi fr hu it ja ko nb-NO nl pl pt-BR pt-PT ru sv-SE zh-CN zh-TW; do [ "$_match" = "$locale" ] && _matched=1 done [ $_matched -eq 1 ] && _l10ntarget=common || _l10ntarget=other echo %{progdir}/browser/extensions/langpack-$ \ >> %{_tmppath}/translations.$_l10ntarget ' -- {}