Bug ID 963616
Summary Boot fails to wait for a needed fstab NFS mount, fires a 'wicked nanny' error ("Failed to start Alias for NFS client.". systemd unit dependency fix included.
Classification openSUSE
Product openSUSE Distribution
Version Leap 42.1
Hardware x86-64
OS openSUSE 42.1
Status NEW
Severity Major
Priority P5 - None
Component Network
Assignee neilb@suse.com
Reporter suse.dev@fea.st
QA Contact qa-bugs@suse.de
CC wicked-maintainers@suse.de
Found By ---
Blocker ---

I'm booting a VM guest that needs to bring up an NFS mount.

Right now on boot, something's out of order and it fails

    [  OK  ] Started wicked network management service daemon.
    [   23.805688] systemd[1]: Started wicked network management service
    [   23.834962] systemd[1]: Starting wicked network nanny service...
             Starting wicked network nanny service...
    [FAILED] Failed to start Alias for NFS client.
    See "systemctl status nfs.service" for details.
    [   23.876106] systemd[1]: Failed to start Alias for NFS client.
    [  OK  ] Started System Logging Service.
    [  OK  ] Started wicked network nanny service.


    nfs.service - Alias for NFS client
       Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/nfs.service; enabled)
      Drop-In: /run/systemd/generator/nfs.service.d
       Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2016-01-26 07:16:26 PST;
52s ago
      Process: 738 ExecStop=/usr/bin/umount -aft nfs,nfs4 (code=exited,
      Process: 727 ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/mount -at nfs,nfs4 (code=exited,
      Process: 705 ExecStart=/bin/true (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
     Main PID: 705 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

    Jan 26 07:16:26 linux-u398 mount[727]: mount.nfs4: Failed to resolve server
nfs01.example.com: Name or service not known

That server's the mount defined in the guest's /etc/fstab

    cat /etc/fstab
        nfs01.example.com:/SEC/clients/client06  /sec/client06  nfs4
_netdev,auto,ro,soft,tcp,async,noexec,nosuid,bg,rsize=32768,wsize=32768 0  0

IIUC, fstab entries are translated by systemd-fstab-generator into native
systemd units durint early boot, and it's systemd that controls the mounts &
their dependencies.

But, here, wicked's also involved.

After talking in #systemd, this fix works

edit /etc/systemd/system/nfs.service.d/deps.conf


Now, the mount's correctly mounted on boot, with no more error in logs.

I don't know if those are the best/only dependencies that should be there.  I
only know that it manages to fix this problem.

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