What | Removed | Added |
CC | cluster15@web.de |
since one of the last updates (last week) strawberry does not start anymore with the following error message: strawberry: symbol lookup error: strawberry: undefined symbol: _ZN6google8protobuf8internal17AssignDescriptorsEPFPKNS1_15DescriptorTableEvEPN4absl12lts_202308029once_flagERKNS0_8MetadataE strawberry vers 1.0.23, release bp155.2.9.1 installed Di 02 Apr 2024 09:17:19 CEST. So it looks like it is one of the recently updated libprotobufs: libprotobuf-lite25_1_0-25.1-150500.12.2.2.x86_64 libprotobuf25_1_0-25.1-150500.12.2.2.x86_64 Attempts to roll-back one the protobuf libs lead to a non-functioning zypper/yast with additional lookup errors. I could not nail down which one it was. Perhaps strawberry needs a re-compile? Cheers Stefan