Comment # 3 on bug 966255 from
For completeness, for those that run into the issue here is the step by step
work around implementation:

1.) Boot into a rescue system
2.) mount the partition that is usually your root partition
  (mount /dev/sdaX /mnt) X is a placeholder for a number
3.) mount your boot partition
  (mount /dev/sdaY /mnt/boot/efi) Y is a placeholder for a number, assuming EFI
boot setup
4.) bind mount /proc /sys /dev /run
   (mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc)
5.) chroot to /mnt
   (chroot /mnt)
6.) vi /etc/default/grub
  (add plymouth.enable=0 to the string for GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT)
7.) grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
8.) exit
9.) shutdown -r now

Setting up the chroot is not strictly necessary but it makes dealing with
grub2-mkconfig easier and thus makes things less error prone.

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