Comment # 5 on bug 1209611 from
To convert a whole project to use the new package mingw32-cross-cmake you can
use the following commands:

1. find all packages where cmake is used as build requirement

find -maxdepth 2 -name '*.spec' -exec gawk '$1 == "BuildRequires:" && $2 ==
"cmake" { print FILENAME}' {} \; > out.log

2. convert all references to use the new package 

cat out.log  | xargs  gawk -i inplace  '$1 == "BuildRequires:" && $2 == "cmake"
{ gsub(/cmake/, "mingw32-cross-cmake", $0);} { print $0 }'

3. Add an entry to the changes file of patched packages  

for i in $(cat out.log  | sed 's,\.spec,.changes,g'); do osc vc -m "Use
mingw32-cross-cmake package (boo#1209611)" $i; done

4. Add newly added changes files 

cat out.log  | xargs dirname | xargs osc status | gawk '$1 == "?" { print $2}'
| xargs osc add 

5. Inspect all changed files  

cat out.log  | xargs dirname | xargs osc diff

6. submit all applied changes

cat out.log  | xargs dirname | xargs osc ci -m "Use mingw32-cross-cmake package

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