Dave Plater changed bug 513786
What Removed Added
CC   davejplater@gmail.com
Flags   needinfo?(coolo@suse.com)

Comment # 7 on bug 513786 from
Stumbled upon this bug whilst looking for a solution to this :
found conflict of kid3-core-lang-3.2.0-14.1.noarch with
  - /usr/share/kid3/translations/kid3_cs.qm
  - /usr/share/kid3/translations/kid3_de.qm
  - /usr/share/kid3/translations/kid3_es.qm
  - /usr/share/kid3/translations/kid3_et.qm
  - /usr/share/kid3/translations/kid3_fi.qm
  - /usr/share/kid3/translations/kid3_fr.qm
  - /usr/share/kid3/translations/kid3_it.qm
  - /usr/share/kid3/translations/kid3_nl.qm
  - /usr/share/kid3/translations/kid3_pl.qm
  - /usr/share/kid3/translations/kid3_ru.qm
  - /usr/share/kid3/translations/kid3_sr.qm
  - /usr/share/kid3/translations/kid3_sr@ijekavian.qm
  - /usr/share/kid3/translations/kid3_sr@ijekavianlatin.qm
  - /usr/share/kid3/translations/kid3_sr@latin.qm
  - /usr/share/kid3/translations/kid3_tr.qm
  - /usr/share/kid3/translations/kid3_zh_CN.qm
  - /usr/share/kid3/translations/kid3_zh_TW.qm

This is from the declined request for factory/kid3 which uses the %lang_package
macro in kid3.spec and it's linked build kid3-kf5. Although kid3-kf5-core-lang
and kid3-core-lang require their respective kid3-kf5-core and kid3-core which
conflict each other, therefore cannot be installed together, the conflict still
gets found. I don't know if this is a %lang_package macro bug or a problem with
whatever finds the conflict. It might even be me. I'm a poor man with only a
broken computer and have put my hard disks into my daughter's computer.
It's also possible that I can use the kid3-core-lang for kid3-kf5 but the
language macro automatically requires the respective cores.

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