What | Removed | Added |
Status | NEW | CONFIRMED |
Assignee | yast2-maintainers@suse.de | yast-community@opensuse.org |
Thanks for reporting this! It's not that long compared to some others, actually. It's just mostly meaningless, I'd agree. Anyway, as this is not a severe issue I'll reassign this bug to YaST Community. Patches are always welcome! The code for the yast-translations module is available at - https://github.com/yast/yast-translations The changelog file is autogenerated, though, by OBS's tar_scm service: - https://build.opensuse.org/package/view_file/YaST:Head/yast2-trans/_service - https://github.com/openSUSE/obs-service-tar_scm See also https://yast.opensuse.org/contributing for a starter to get involved.