Comment # 1 on bug 1206005 from
Also, this is not correct:

"Do not modify the two files in the list above. To define your own custom set
of privileges, use /etc/polkit-default-privs.local. For details, refer to
Section������19.4.3, ���������Modifying configuration files for implicit privileges���������."

The config file (for adding custom privileges) should now be
/etc/polkit-default-privs/local as per 'man set_polkit_default_privs'...

The set_polkit_default_privs program installs default settings for polkit
actions according to the currently configured polkit-default-privs profile.
This program needs to be called to make changes effective when the selected
profile has been changed or customizations in /etc/polkit-default-privs/local
have been made."

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