Comment # 9 on bug 1219020 from Dmitry Markov
(In reply to Antonio Feijoo from comment #8)
> Could you please `zypper dup` and check if this is still reproducible with
> the latest systemd version. If that's the case, please set `systemctl
> log-level debug`, issue `systemctl hibernate` and attach the output of
> `journalctl -b -o short-monotonic`. Thanks!

So. I again created luks encrypted swap, added a key file to it, registered it
in fstab, crypttab and kernel cmdline as indicated in the manual, but I never
got around to testing hibernation. Now the system simply does not boot with
this resume in cmdline (to boot I manually erase this parameter by editing the
menu item in grub), the system simply cannot start using swap with this uuid.

> [werwolf@workbook] ~  
> ❯ sudo lsblk -o +UUID
> NAME        MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE  MOUNTPOINTS                                  UUID
> nvme0n1     259:0    0 476,9G  0 disk                                               
> ***********************************************************************************************
> └─nvme0n1p4 259:4    0  16,9G  0 part                                               855f2aa2-2f74-4f5f-9197-825c406b84ab
>   └─cr_swap 254:1    0  16,9G  0 crypt [SWAP]                                       5a0d6b5f-3c80-4778-ad50-0b157b67415c
> [werwolf@workbook] ~  
> ❯ cat /etc/fstab | grep -i swap
> UUID=5a0d6b5f-3c80-4778-ad50-0b157b67415c  swap               swap   defaults,discard              0  0
> [werwolf@workbook] ~  
> ❯ sudo cat /etc/crypttab | grep swap                                
> cr_swap  UUID=855f2aa2-2f74-4f5f-9197-825c406b84ab  /etc/main.key  key-slot=1,discard
> [werwolf@workbook] ~  
> ❯ sudo cat /etc/default/grub | grep resume
> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="splash=silent resume=UUID=5a0d6b5f-3c80-4778-ad50-0b157b67415c quiet security=apparmor mitigations=off delayacct"
> [werwolf@workbook] ~  
> ❯ cat /etc/dracut.conf.d/99-luks-key.conf    
> install_items+=" /etc/main.key "
> [werwolf@workbook] ~  
> ❯ cat /etc/dracut.conf.d/99-resume.conf 
> add_device+=" UUID=855f2aa2-2f74-4f5f-9197-825c406b84ab "
> add_dracutmodules+=" resume "

in my opinion it can be called “it has become worse”. or I forgot to do
something, but I don’t understand what.

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