Comment # 2 on bug 1125814 from
I have same version as you've mentioned. I have this problem on my laptop,
where I have i3wm installed, so will try to reproduce it in some simpler env.

What I've assumed that in case of pressing cancel there should be no log lines
2019-02-18 17:08:41 <1> ri-laptop(31225) [Ruby] modules/Keyboard.rb:1401
Setting X11 keyboard to: <english-us>
2019-02-18 17:08:41 <1> ri-laptop(31225) [Ruby] modules/Keyboard.rb:1402
Setting X11 keyboard: /usr/bin/setxkbmap -layout us -model microsoftpro -option

And as from the code:
it actually executes those commands, which should not be the case. But let me
update issue with steps for clean installation.

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