Comment # 7 on bug 914681 from
Hi Andrew,

thanks for your comment.

(In reply to Andrew Daugherity from comment #6)
> The RPM dependency on saxon9 is already correct, but jing.script (installed
> as /usr/bin/jing) is wrong -- saxon6 should be saxon9.  Very simple fix:
> ====
> --- jing.script	2015-06-26 19:43:11.814812104 -0500
> +++ jing.script	2015-06-22 17:51:35.818580908 -0500
> @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
>  MAIN_CLASS=com.thaiopensource.relaxng.util.Driver
> -BASE_JARS="jing xerces-j2 xml-commons-apis saxon6 xml-commons-resolver"
> +BASE_JARS="jing xerces-j2 xml-commons-apis saxon9 xml-commons-resolver"
>  args=
> ====
> This affects openSUSE 13.1, 13.2, and SLES 12.  Please release an updated
> package for all of those!

Actually, it was on purpose as I was under the impression, Jing uses Saxon6

Unfortunately, it isn't really clear what Jing depends on. There is no clear
list of dependencies in the readme.txt. However, after some research,  Jing
brings all its dependencies in the lib directory. It includes both saxon6 _and_

According to issue27[1], James Clark (the main developer of Jing) states in
comment 4:

  "Fixed in r2194. Jing now tries for XSLT implementations in the order: 
   new Saxon (net.sf.saxon), old Saxon (com.icl.saxon), Xalan,
   JAXP-provided (typically XSLTC)."

I tried it with saxon6, saxon9, and both. All three worked.

As Jing is merely a RNG validator and uses XSLT only for Schematron it is happy
as long as there is an xslt processor, regardless of its version. So I don't
think this is a critical issue.

I will add saxon9 to the list of BASE_JARS, so it doesn't matter which XSLT
processor is installed. Does that fit your needs?


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