Comment # 4 on bug 953769 from
Ok I have some addtl system that is still non-rebooted but has all the dup to
42.1 applied.

it came from 13.2 as a fresh 13.2 back then and currently still displays the
new style ethernet device names:

enp4s5    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr ....
enp5s0    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr ....


-rw------- 1 root root   197 Nov  8 05:36 ifcfg-enp4s5
-rw------- 1 root root   232 Nov  8 05:36 ifcfg-enp5s0

the files didnt become renamed

but etc/udev/rules.d/

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root      0 Nov  8 05:33 70-persistent-net.rules

has zero bytes.

I cannot really afford to lose that machine so now I wonder how I will know and
prevent it from being stuck upon reboot?

how can I know which enp4 or enp5 device will become eth0 or eth1 or whatever
else upon reboot into 42.1 with the new kernel.

I could fix the ifcfg-.... files before reboot if I knew whats going to happen,
and also if I knew what to put to persistent-net.rules file etc.

any hints?

will this bug actually be handled or is my bugreport actually futile and pretty
much pointless? I really wana know why or if opensuse can not do better with
all these changes we get during every new release of opensuse. its really
frustrating to suffer from these messed up but pretty fundamental and basic
things :(

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