Comment # 3 on bug 1004524 from
Hi Bj�rn, thanks for the reply. Hmm, that does look pretty good. I wonder what
you did differently than me? I have a full selection of Windows fonts in
/usr/share/fonts/Win , and I also tried letting Winetricks install fonts into
my Wine profile, which makes no difference. Also I read that the fake Tahoma
font and possibly others that Wine includes in /usr/share/wine/fonts sometimes
don't render well, so I tried renaming that folder, but it also made no

I discovered that antialiasing and/or subpixel rendering has something to do
with the absolute pixel size of the font in Wine. If I bump up my dpi to 150 I
start to get less awful font rendering. (I'll attach a screenshot). But it's
still not very good, and doesn't match my system font rendering style. I have
looked for specific Wine rules and also for pixel size rules in
/etc/fonts/conf.d , but they don't seem to make any difference.

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