Stakanov Schufter changed bug 906198
What Removed Added
Resolution DUPLICATE ---

Comment # 4 on bug 906198 from
A note on this. When you do a fresh install of opensuse 13.2 the issue remains
the same, no matter if all updates are installed or not. But if I issue by hand
zypper install --force cups-filters-ghostscript
rccups restart

or by reinstalling cups-filters-ghostscript in yast forcefully and restarting

that works. 
So the bugfix works, but only provided that the Samsung Driver is already
installed. If it is installed after the complete system setup, even with all
the updates, this works still, but only in the aforementioned mode. 

As this is a proprietary driver, you may set this as an advice within the
release notes, so you do not have requests of possessors of samsung printers
when their CPL printer with ULD doesn't work. 

P.S. prior to the "manual" intervention the driver gives "nothing to print" as
cups log when doing the printout. 

Version of Samsung ULD with which this was verified was 1.00.29
I will now write to Samsung about this issue (so I set this to reopened and
send them the link), maybe they can contact you in order to change this or they
can correct it right away. Seems to be more an issue on how it installs than a
driver problem.

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