Comment # 3 on bug 1190578 from
(In reply to Marcus Meissner from comment #2)
> works for me though.
> what does 
> zypper patch
> on a root cmdlinereport?

The result is:

# zypper patch
Loading repository data...
Warning: Repository 'openSUSE:Backports:SLE-15-SP3' appears to be outdated.
Consider using a different mirror or server.
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...

Problem: the to be installed patch:openSUSE-SLE-15.3-2021-3115-1.noarch
conflicts with 'mozilla-nspr.x86_64 < 4.32-3.20.1' provided by the installed
 Solution 1: install mozilla-nspr-4.32-3.20.1.x86_64 (with vendor change)
  obs://  -->  SUSE LLC <>
 Solution 2: do not install patch:openSUSE-SLE-15.3-2021-3115-1.noarch

Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [1/2/c/d/?] (c): 

I think I see the problem - selecting "1" gives:

Resolving dependencies...
Resolving package dependencies...

The following item is locked and will not be changed by any action:

The following NEW patch is going to be installed:

The following 6 packages are going to be upgraded:
  libfreebl3-32bit libsoftokn3-32bit mozilla-nspr mozilla-nss-32bit
  mozilla-nss-certs mozilla-nss-certs-32bit

The following package is going to change vendor:
    obs:// -> SUSE LLC <>

6 packages to upgrade, 1 to change vendor.
Overall download size: 2.1 MiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation,
additional 221.0 KiB will be used.
Continue? [y/n/v/...? shows all options] (y): 

and selecting "y" gives:

Retrieving package mozilla-nspr-4.32-3.20.1.x86_64
                                           (1/6), 116.5 KiB (275.6 KiB
Retrieving: mozilla-nspr-4.32-3.20.1.x86_64.rpm
Retrieving package mozilla-nss-certs-32bit-3.68-3.56.1.x86_64
                                           (2/6), 254.4 KiB (395.2 KiB
Retrieving delta:
./x86_64/mozilla-nss-certs-32bit-3.53.1_3.68-3.53.1_3.56.1.x86_64.drpm, 123.5
Retrieving: mozilla-nss-certs-32bit-3.53.1_3.68-3.53.1_3.56.1.x86_64.drpm
Applying delta:
Retrieving package mozilla-nss-certs-3.68-3.56.1.x86_64
                                           (3/6), 258.3 KiB (513.5 KiB
Retrieving delta:
./x86_64/mozilla-nss-certs-3.53.1_3.68-3.53.1_3.56.1.x86_64.drpm, 126.8 KiB
Retrieving: mozilla-nss-certs-3.53.1_3.68-3.53.1_3.56.1.x86_64.drpm
Applying delta: ./mozilla-nss-certs-3.53.1_3.68-3.53.1_3.56.1.x86_64.drpm
Retrieving package libfreebl3-32bit-3.68-3.56.1.x86_64
                                           (4/6), 390.1 KiB (743.1 KiB
Retrieving: libfreebl3-32bit-3.68-3.56.1.x86_64.rpm ..........[done (1.4
Retrieving package libsoftokn3-32bit-3.68-3.56.1.x86_64
                                           (5/6), 285.2 KiB (521.8 KiB
Retrieving delta:
./x86_64/libsoftokn3-32bit-3.53.1_3.68-3.53.1_3.56.1.x86_64.drpm, 141.8 KiB
Retrieving: libsoftokn3-32bit-3.53.1_3.68-3.53.1_3.56.1.x86_64.drpm
Applying delta: ./libsoftokn3-32bit-3.53.1_3.68-3.53.1_3.56.1.x86_64.drpm
Retrieving package mozilla-nss-32bit-3.68-3.56.1.x86_64
                                           (6/6), 796.2 KiB (  2.2 MiB
Retrieving delta:
./x86_64/mozilla-nss-32bit-3.53.1_3.68-3.53.1_3.56.1.x86_64.drpm, 286.9 KiB
Retrieving: mozilla-nss-32bit-3.53.1_3.68-3.53.1_3.56.1.x86_64.drpm
Applying delta: ./mozilla-nss-32bit-3.53.1_3.68-3.53.1_3.56.1.x86_64.drpm

Checking for file conflicts:
(1/6) Installing: mozilla-nspr-4.32-3.20.1.x86_64
(2/6) Installing: mozilla-nss-certs-32bit-3.68-3.56.1.x86_64
(3/6) Installing: mozilla-nss-certs-3.68-3.56.1.x86_64
(4/6) Installing: libfreebl3-32bit-3.68-3.56.1.x86_64
(5/6) Installing: libsoftokn3-32bit-3.68-3.56.1.x86_64
(6/6) Installing: mozilla-nss-32bit-3.68-3.56.1.x86_64
There are running programs which still use files and libraries deleted or
updated by recent upgrades. They should be restarted to benefit from the latest
updates. Run 'zypper ps -s' to list these programs.

I'll restart the programs listed in the following by logging out and back in

# zypper ps -s
The following running processes use deleted files:

PID  | PPID | UID  | User   | Command                      | Service
1364 | 1    | 0    | root   | NetworkManager               | NetworkManager
1502 | 1    | 479  | chrony | chronyd                      | chronyd
2132 | 2122 | 1000 | bs     | kded5                        | 
2172 | 1    | 1000 | bs     | plasmashell                  | 
2184 | 1    | 1000 | bs     | kdeconnectd                  | 
2342 | 2246 | 1000 | bs     | akonadi_archivemail_agent    | 
2354 | 2246 | 1000 | bs     | akonadi_mailfilter_agent     | 
2369 | 2246 | 1000 | bs     | akonadi_sendlater_agent      | 
2370 | 2246 | 1000 | bs     | akonadi_unifiedmailbox_agent | 
2565 | 2560 | 1000 | bs     | seamonkey-bin                | 

You may wish to restart these processes.
See 'man zypper' for information about the meaning of values in the above

No core libraries or services have been updated since the last system boot.
Reboot is probably not necessary.

If there are problems, I will report. 

By the way, can I instruct the updater applet to accept vendor changes

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