Comment # 15 on bug 1205407 from
(In reply to Eric Levy from comment #14)
> I believe the intention of my original report was to explain that the
> minimum size is being enforced in expert mode, not simply chosen as the
> automatic default.

Which I believe it's not accurate. If I'm not mistaken, the only thing the
Expert Partitioner enforces is the existence of a file-system mounted as "/".
All the other warnings are just suggestions the user can ignore.

To confirm my memories, I just tried it again in Leap 15.4 (things should not
have changed since then):

1) If I use the Expert Partitioner and create a setup with NO EFI AT ALL, I get
a pop-up saying: "The system might not be able to boot. Missing device for
/boot/efi with size equal or bigger than 128 MiB and filesystem vfat. Do you
want to continue?" Of course, I can continue.

2) If I define a setup with a /boot/efi of 64 MiB (or even smaller) everything
works without a single warning or pop-up.

If that behavior is different with the prototypes of Leap 15.5 that's fully
unexpected looking at the source code and the history of changes in that area.
If you can confirm the behavior of 15.5 differs from what I have written, feel
free to re-open the bug. If not, I think closing the bug report is fully
justified because the current behavior is far from "the minimum size is being

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