Comment # 6 on bug 1198626 from
It has been brought to upstream before [1] but wasn't addressed at the time.

So I posted to the #bluetooth channel in Slack:

> Hello! I'm investigating why transferring files doesn't work out of the box. Upstream provided dbus service requires a systemd user service to be placed at /usr/lib/systemd/user/dbus-org.bluez.obex.service while the also provided service is called obex.service. Debian patches /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.bluez.obex.service to activate obex directly: SystemdService=obex.service, while ArchLinux prefers a ln to the required service name. In particular the [Alias] section in the systemd service is only used when a service is enabled before hand, which would be yet another way to handle activation. openSUSE doesn't do anything and I believe neither does Fedora. Would it be possible to upstream the debian solution? Unless it's really expected to distros to handle this which should be fine as well but I thought it would be worthwhile to bring this to upstream. Thank you!

I will keep you posted.


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