Comment # 9 on bug 1123424 from
hellcp just gave me the hint that this is called "fractional scaling", and it
only works for multiples of 0.25. I just confirmed that: 1.75 also works

[15:43:08] <lcp> HuHa: that's called fractional scaling, it works for multiples
of 0.25
[15:43:22] <lcp> should have tested 1.75 too :P
[15:44:48] <lcp> it is a qt bug, obviously, gtk works in the exact same way
[15:45:20] <lcp> so rather than being a bug, it's an expected behaviour
[15:46:18] <HuHa> lcp: ah, ok, thx for the hint
[15:46:27] <HuHa> I had suspected something like that
[15:46:38] <HuHa> so they *should* at least fall back to the next scaling
factor that is supported
[15:46:50] <HuHa> and not to "tiny and unreadable" and just break completely
[15:47:27] <lcp> yes, that's true, more importantly gnome should not allow to
set anything non-multiple of .25 in gui tools
[15:48:05] <lcp> and considering they finally got it to work natively, instead
of working with changing font sizes, that will be a thing in gnome 3.32

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