Comment # 3 on bug 1213438 from Günter Halt
1. please forget this info: "...  all private services are removed from
After execute announced update in the 2. Installation of leap15.5 (without
kernel-update) the order in grub was changed and the 2. Installation was on
first position, in this Installation my private services was not installed.

2. Now both Installations of 15.5 can not be used. 
My last action was to start the announced update .

Maybe the kernel is not the reason. 
If i press <ctrl><alt><F1> immediately after (may be before) raise the
graphical Login-menu, i can login on console.


On second leap15.5 before update (kenel-update susped) if found 
vmlinuz ->  vmlinuz-5.14.21-150500.53-default

After reboot 
vmlinuz ->  vmlinuz-5.14.21-150500.55.7-default


" If so, please give the hwinfo and the dmesg outputs from the old good-working
kernel, and attach them to Bugzilla." 

No system is running with the old kernel. 

I will install a 3. leap15.5 from USB-Stick and try to reproduce it.

Remarks: since any days during boot the info "AMD-VI Firmware Bug OAPIC{1] not
in IVRS table

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