Comment # 1 on bug 1228083 from Walddys Emmanuel Dorrejo Céspedes

Restart the Service       

jul 17 14:18:00 TECNO-09 systemd[2135]: Stopping Multimedia Service Session
jul 17 14:18:00 TECNO-09 wireplumber[137043]: wireplumber: stopped by signal:
jul 17 14:18:00 TECNO-09 systemd[2135]: Stopping PipeWire PulseAudio...
jul 17 14:18:00 TECNO-09 systemd[2135]: Stopped PipeWire PulseAudio.
jul 17 14:18:00 TECNO-09 wireplumber[137043]: wireplumber: disconnected from
jul 17 14:18:00 TECNO-09 systemd[2135]: Stopped Multimedia Service Session
jul 17 14:18:00 TECNO-09 systemd[2135]: Started Multimedia Service Session
jul 17 14:18:00 TECNO-09 systemd[2135]: Started PipeWire PulseAudio.
jul 17 14:18:01 TECNO-09 wireplumber[137075]: [29:44:54.144382031] [137075] 
WARN IPAManager ipa_manager.cpp:154 No IPA found in '/usr/lib64/libcamera'
jul 17 14:18:01 TECNO-09 wireplumber[137075]: [29:44:54.144405819] [137075] 
INFO Camera camera_manager.cpp:284 libcamera v0.2.0
jul 17 14:18:02 TECNO-09 wireplumber[137075]: spa.bluez5.native: RFCOMM receive
command but modem not available: AT+CHLD=?
jul 17 14:18:03 TECNO-09 wireplumber[137075]: spa.bluez5.native: RFCOMM receive
command but modem not available: AT+CCWA=1
jul 17 14:18:03 TECNO-09 wireplumber[137075]: spa.bluez5.native: RFCOMM receive
command but modem not available: AT+NREC=0

Now disconnect the headset   

jul 17 14:18:34 TECNO-09 wireplumber[137075]: pw.node:
(bluez_output.ED_87_E0_50_82_BA.1-71) running -> error (Received error event)
jul 17 14:18:34 TECNO-09 wireplumber[137075]: spa.bluez5: Failure in Bluetooth
audio transport /org/bluez/hci0/dev_ED_87_E0_50_82_BA/sep2/fd4

Now try to rise volume of the speaker 

jul 17 14:18:53 TECNO-09 wireplumber[137075]: wp-event-dispatcher:
<WpAsyncEventHook:0x55d19410c360> failed: <WpSiStandardLink:0x55d1943fda00>
link failed: some node was destroyed before the link was created
jul 17 14:18:56 TECNO-09 wireplumber[137075]: wp-event-dispatcher:
<WpAsyncEventHook:0x55d19410c360> failed: <WpSiStandardLink:0x55d19416b990>
link failed: item deactivated before format was set
jul 17 14:18:57 TECNO-09 wireplumber[137075]: wp-event-dispatcher:
<WpAsyncEventHook:0x55d19410c360> failed: <WpSiStandardLink:0x55d1943e4b90>
link failed: 2 of 2 PipeWire links failed to activate
jul 17 14:18:59 TECNO-09 wireplumber[137075]: wp-event-dispatcher:
<WpAsyncEventHook:0x55d19410c360> failed: <WpSiStandardLink:0x55d1941f1830>
link failed: item deactivated before format was set
jul 17 14:18:59 TECNO-09 wireplumber[137075]: wp-event-dispatcher:
<WpAsyncEventHook:0x55d19410c360> failed: <WpSiStandardLink:0x55d19407b560>
link failed: item deactivated before format was set
jul 17 14:19:17 TECNO-09 wireplumber[137075]: wp-event-dispatcher:
<WpAsyncEventHook:0x55d19410c360> failed: <WpSiStandardLink:0x55d1940437b0>
link failed: some node was destroyed before the link was created
jul 17 14:19:17 TECNO-09 wireplumber[137075]: wp-event-dispatcher:
<WpAsyncEventHook:0x55d19410c360> failed: <WpSiStandardLink:0x55d1941cf840>
link failed: item deactivated before format was set
jul 17 14:19:17 TECNO-09 wireplumber[137075]: wp-event-dispatcher:
<WpAsyncEventHook:0x55d19410c360> failed: <WpSiStandardLink:0x55d194320dc0>
link failed: some node was destroyed before the link was created
jul 17 14:19:18 TECNO-09 wireplumber[137075]: wp-event-dispatcher:
<WpAsyncEventHook:0x55d19410c360> failed: <WpSiStandardLink:0x55d1941e0600>
link failed: some node was destroyed before the link was created

no Sound

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